What is an Ultrasound Scan?
If you have a lump or if the mammogram shows a possible abnormality, or if we need to examine particularly dense tissue, an Ultrasound scan can be used to give us more information.
For this examination you lie on your back on the examination bed, undressed to the waist. A gel (water-based jelly) is placed on the skin of your breast and an ultrasound probe held in contact with it. This produces pictures on a screen of the tissues inside your breast, in the same way that a pregnancy ultrasound scan is performed.
There is no discomfort in this examination, and it will take about 15 minutes.
After the examination
The Radiologist will review the images and provide a written report to your referring doctor. Please settle your account on the day of the examination.
To make an appointment for your breast ultrasound scan, please phone our central bookings number 0800-HAMRAD ( 0800-426723) or 07 839 4909. Our receptionist will be able to tell you the costs (this will vary depending on examination requirements).
What do I do now?
Your Family Doctor (General Practitioner, GP) is the first person to go to for regular checks and health concerns. Your GP has a complete picture of your medical history and current health status.
Your GP or Specialist Surgeon or Breast Physician can refer you and will also perform a formal clinical examination of your breasts as necessary.