


Why Choose Anglesea Women's Health?

Our Radiologists (x-ray and imaging specialist doctors) have more than 40 years collective experience in reading mammograms. They have collectively read more than 160,000 mammograms and are actively involved in the New Zealand National Breast Screening Programme.

The Technologists performing the mammograms have many years of experience between them (both in NZ and internationally) and possess a high level of skill and expertise.

The premises at Anglesea Women's Health are very welcoming, friendly, personal and professional. The equipment is the latest digital technology, providing the best possible pictures. Your needs are our concern.

We are the only private provider for Mammography services in the Waikato.

Why should I have a mammogram? 

A mammogram is the only reliable way of detecting breast cancer in its earliest stage of development before a lump can be felt.

Breast Cancer is the most common cancer that affects women. Finding a cancer at an early stage allows more effective treatment options and a very good chance of complete recovery.

Any woman over 35 who has a breast lump requires a mammogram as the first test to find out what it is, after consultation with her GP or Breast Specialist.

How effective is mammography?

Screening mammography of women with no lump that can be felt will detect more than 90% of breast cancers. There are some cancers that can not be seen at all by mammography and in rare situations cancers that are present may not be visualised by the two radiologists.

When should I have a mammogram?

Regular mammograms are important to detect the subtle changes of early breast cancer.

If you are aged between 40-50 years, it is recommended you have mammography every year.

If you are over 50 years old, it is recommended you have mammography every 2 years.

Every person is different, and some women may be advised by their family doctor or specialist to start screening earlier. Some older women will be advised to continue yearly screening after the age of 50. Women with a close family history of breast cancer, or who have already had breast cancer on one side are advised to continue yearly screening. Women who have had specific types of benign (non-cancerous) lumps are also advised to have yearly screening mammograms.

What is a mammogram?

A mammogram is an x-ray examination of your breast. The entire visit takes about 30 minutes. You are asked to undress from the waist up. When you are comfortable, our trained staff will position one of your breasts between two plastic plates. Compression of the breast for a few seconds is necessary to improve image quality. It also uses less x-ray radiation because of the reduced thickness of the breast in this position.

This slight pressure placed on your breast during the procedure is not at all dangerous. It cannot damage your breast and it does not cause breast cancer or make it worse. Some women avoid mammography in the week prior to their period, because at this time their breasts do feel more sensitive to pressure.

Our technique: 

As per international recommendations, at Anglesea Women's Health the standard mammogram consists of two views of each breast. Occasionally, extra views are needed to show an area of breast tissue more clearly. This does not necessarily mean anything is wrong. Do not be alarmed if we take these additional views.

In 2013 Anglesea Women's Health upgraded to a full digital equipment providing higher quality images with lower dose.

It is extremely useful to compare the current mammogram images with any previous examinations and you need to bring along any previous mammography films and reports (if you have them) for your appointment.

If you have a lump or if the mammogram shows a possible abnormality, or if we need to examine particularly dense tissue, an Ultrasound scan can be used to give us more information.

Your results

At Anglesea Women's Health we value accuracy. Accordingly all mammograms are read (interpreted) independently by two separate Specialists, and the results compared. Sometimes even a third opinion is obtained before the final report is sent to your GP or Specialist. The report outlines our findings and recommendations for any further action.

If you have any specific concerns at the time of your visit, please ask.


To make an appointment for your mammogram, please phone our central bookings number 0800 MAMMO1 ( 0800-626 661) or 07 839 4909. Our receptionist will tell you the cost of your mammogram (which varies slightly depending on requirements).

Anglesea Women's Health welcomes any women over the age of 40 wanting a routine mammogram to phone and book an appointment. We STRONGLY urge any women with a new symptom (lump or change) to see their family Doctor first for an examination, who will then refer for imaging.

What do I do now?

Your Family Doctor (General Practitioner, GP) is the first person to go to for regular checks and health concerns. Your GP has a complete picture of your medical history and current health status.

Your GP or Specialist Surgeon or Breast Physician can refer you for a mammogram as appropriate and will also perform a formal clinical examination of your breasts as necessary.

Our Radiologists


Information for Patients


Our Radiologists


Our Locations


Hamilton Radiology Logo

Postal Address: P O Box 262, Hamilton
Street Address: Gate 2, 11 Thackeray Street, Hamilton
Phone: (07) 839 4909
Free Phone: 0800 426 723
Fax: (07) 839 5780
Booking Email:

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