The GE Stereotactic System
We are having great success with our GE digital biopsy system which is state of the art in mammographic imaging.
A stereotactic core biopsy is a minimally invasive procedure and can avoid the need for a general anesthetic and open surgical biopsy. This is mostly performed for indeterminate calcification or masses. Only a local anaesthetic into the overlying skin and tissue is necessary.
The procedure takes approx. 45 minutes with a varying amount of time taken in positioning the patient to ensure the area to be biopsied is within the optimal field of vision. The digital spot is easier, quicker and more accurate in determining the exact position of a suspected lesion.
A dedicated, reclinable chair is used and you will be sitting or lying down for the procedure depending on the location of the abnormality. Positioning is determined by choosing the shortest route to the lesion from the skin surface. The breast is compressed throughout the procedure to immobilise and eliminate blurring of the images. Digital images of the area seen on the mammogram are taken and the computer is the used to pinpoint the exact position of the lesion and guide us to the area for biopsy. During the procedure, generally five needle passes are executed, taking tissue samples.
At the end of the procedure pressure is maintained at the site of the biopsy and a sterile Opsite dressing is used to protect the puncture site.