Musculoskeletal and Foreign Body Ultrasounds
Your Specialist, General Practitioner Physiotherapist or Osteopath has referred you for a musculoskeletal or foreign body ultrasound scan.
There is no special preparation for this scan.
How long will it take?
Most scans take between 15 and 30 minutes. The normal (asymptomatic) side may also be examined.
Who will scan me?
Your scan will be performed by either a Sonographer (a technologist specialising in ultrasound) or a Radiologist (a Doctor who specialises in medical imaging).
Indications for Musculoskeletal Ultrasound:
Ultrasound will not show every soft tissue abnormality. Your referrer and our Radiologist or Sonographer will know when it is best used. The following are indications:
Muscle Ultrasound:
Muscle injury, large tears and haematomas (bruises).
These connect muscle to bone. Tendons in many parts of the body are readily visible with ultrasound, in particular the shoulder, ankle and Achilles tendon.
These are sac-like structures filled with fluid found close to joints. Superficial bursae are found between bone and skin. Deep bursae separate a joint from overlying tendons and ligaments. A swollen bursa can be detected with ultrasound, most commonly seen around the shoulder, knee joints and hip.
These connect bone to bone. Some ligaments can be demonstrated with ultrasound. Others require Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).
Foreign Bodies:
Not all foreign bodies will be visible using x-rays. Most will be visible with ultrasound. The location of the foreign body and damage to any surrounding structures is readily seen. A skin mark can be applied so the foreign body can be removed at a later time.
After the examination
The Radiologist will review the images and send a report to your referring Specialist, General Practitioner, Physiotherapist or Osteopath.
Please settle your account on the day of the examination.
Contact Hamilton Radiology ( 07) 839 4909 or 0800 HAMRAD (426 723) to make an appointment.